Monday, 12 May 2008

Relaxation guitar music, does a guitar actually relax you ?

Relaxation guitar music basically is nice flowing subtle guitar melodies. Ok now there are many ways to relax, many people use visualization, some talk to themselves and quite a few meditate. This is what people do, it is a learned method, you learn a certain method and use it to relax the mind. However after a long day I might sit down my mind is tired and doesn’t want to actually do anything to make it relax it wants something in the background, it does not want to be active itself.
It’s a proven fact relaxation guitar music works, I mean I have heard people go to shopping centers and buy some item and didn’t know why they did it, studies have been done on this, they bought a certain item because music they liked was playing in the background.
Some good relaxation guitar music has been done by some legends and it works for me and many other people I talk to, below are some people I think have done some amazing background music.
Deep purple
Pink floyd
There are many others, try instrumentals as well they work brilliantly. This music works best when you return from work, we all see this in TV shows or movies, when someone comes home puts on some music and starts cooking or calling somebody try it yourself, it can really puts me at peace.

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